I was at Disneyland the other day checking out their Halloween festivites and tried their corn dog for the first time. They are sold from only one location (a fire-engine-red portable stand) in the park, tucked off Main Street across from the Baby Care Center, and photo shop. I never liked corn dogs when I was growing up, but I have heard only good things about this one, so I tried it. It was really good! Dipped in thick cornmeal batter, fried nice and dark, with a juicy dog inside. $5 for one and a bag of chips. It was so good, For the first time, I did not feel ripped off buying food inside Disneyland!

Moer reasons to go to Disneyland? It has been like 8-9 years. I've also only had about 5 corn dogs in my life. I think it is the texture that was always most interesting to me. Which condiment do you prefer the corndog with?
I love me some corn dogs, and those look lovely! But I must point out that getting a corn dog at Disneyland would be $5 on top of the $63 admission price and gas money.
For a great corn dog closer to the Westside, go to Howard's Bacon and Avocado Burgers a block west of Sepulveda on the north side of Venice. When I go there, I stay away from the namesake burger as it's pretty uninteresting. But their corn dogs are very nicely cooked, and if you really want interesting, get the tacos, which are comprised of a half cheeseburger patty placed in a tortilla with shredded lettuce and salsa. It's really strange but simple, and really good.
M -
I like mine plain.
omg those corndogs are crazy! never seen one so brutish. ironic 'cause i've been thinking about hotdogs for the last couple days then i came across your blog!
The Disney corndogs are legendary. They also sell them in California Adventure at The Corndog Castle. It's the only time I ever get corndogs because nothing else will do. A friend of mine even named her computer "corndog" because of them. Ketchup for me thank you.
my better half loves, loves, loves these.
Ah, another corn dog fan. Glad I found a kindred spirit. But it seems that there are many in this club. Anyways, great photos. I love 'em when they get all gnarled and crunchy like that.
By the way, if you're interested, I finally posted about those corn dogs too, after years and years of enjoying them silently.
These corn dogs no longer exist. Disny in its infinite wisdom replaced them with a 6" instaed of the 8" used here in fall 2009 and then switched from tehm being all beef to a mix of chicken and beef in the winter (very recently). In the name of saving a few pennies on food cost they have ruined the one great foodstuff they had in the park. I am so disappointed.
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